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In November of 2017, Tom Robertson Area Service Manager (Retired), East Central Division invited retired Scottish Ambulance Service staff from all over Scotland to meet at Falkirk Ambulance Station to discuss the formation of a Scottish Ambulance Service Retirement Association. 20 Ambulance staff attended, where it was recognised that there was a need to maintain links and experiences of this unique Community of Professionals, and to support them in times of need. A number of Divisions and Regions already had informal local groups and it was felt that these groups could be strengthened by a National Association.

Information was sent out to eligible retired Scottish Ambulance Service personnel of all grades throughout Scotland, the UK and other parts of the World inviting them to join and participate in the Association.

The group had already established good links with Scottish Ambulance Service National Headquarters and gained approval for the use of the original Ambulance Service Badge, which was reimagined to reflect the new organisation. (You may have already noticed the clasped hands connecting the two halves of the laurel wreaths and thistles).

 The objectives of the Association are to

  • safeguard the rights of all retired members, their Widows and Dependants

  • to promote measures for their welfare with particular regard to General Independent Advice and Guidance, along with Comradeship and Belonging

  • to protect their rights and promote their views,

  • support them and their families during bereavement, ill health or other crisis.

Mission statement

The primary aim of the Scottish Ambulance Service Retirement Association is to develop an independent association of retired Scottish Ambulance Service personnel of all grades, and within any discipline, regardless of length of Service. The association will also embrace non-ambulance service personnel who have contributed greatly to the development of the service or may bring a level of expertise to the association that it cannot find from within its own members. It further aims to promote fellowship and friendship for it’s members by supporting local and/or national groups of ex-colleagues by way of open meetings and social gatherings in order to foster a sense of belonging and nostalgia. It will also endeavour to support members financially and Spiritually through times of crisis or illness or bereavement. While the Scottish Ambulance Service Retirement Association will seek to establish links with the Scottish Ambulance Service for the purposes of informing retiring Ambulance Service colleagues and the Benevolent Fund it will at all times remain independent of the Scottish Ambulance Service.

If you wish to become a member please download an Application Form here.

The Committee

Chairman Calum Kerr

Vice Chairman Robert Johnston

Secretary Mike Highley

Treasurer Eric Brown

Membership Secretary Robin Lawrenson

In Charge of Merchandising Tom Robertson

Committee Members

Ernest Hayes

Elizabeth Williams

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